CRE Professional Network

Why Be A Part?

This is not a paid network. There are no secret handshakes, or decoder rings. This is simply a group of industry professionals connected for the purpose of possibly helping each other fulfill our goals. Nearly everyone will agree that your network of people directly relates to your success. Benefits of being in our network can include:

  • Being an expert spotlight resource on that provides you and your company exposure to the market.
  • Connection with for resource referral.
  • Potential access to investor networks.
  • Having a resource to ask questions about commercial real estate development.

We Appreciate Professionals

We are sure that you have heard the phrase “There’s no ‘I’ in team!”, and if there is one thing that is a team effort, it is real estate development. No single person completes all aspects of a substantial development project alone. Starting with the planning and land acquisition, and continuing all the way through approvals, construction, and having tenants move-in, it without a doubt takes a team – if not an army sometimes.

With that being said, it is quite the undertaking to assemble high-quality information about each and every aspect of the process. In order to continuously deliver helpful information to our audience that helps them further their company, we always seek opportunities to expand our resource network.

What Is Our Network?

Simply put, it is our in-house resource goldmine. Through connections with high-quality professionals, we are able to continuously elevate the qualify of content provided to our audience. As a byproduct and but not the focus, we are sometimes able to play the part of match-maker if we become aware that one of our connections needs a resource, and we have that resource in our network.

Case Studies

Most business professional learning from others who have previously ventured down the path. Do you have projects that would serve readers well by seeing them, or hearing about the intricacies of them?


This is what our content centers on, so our developer network cannot ever be too large. Having an international network provides a well-rounded basis for our information. Reach out to us, so we can add you to our network.

Government Officials

There is hardly a project that comes to fruition without multiple levels of government approvals. This can sometimes be a hurdle for developers to cross. Having officials in our go-to list is a huge asset.


While research provides a solid basis for content, we greatly enjoy the wealth of knowledge that experienced professionals can provide. Let us get you on our list of professionals who we can call on for quotes, advice, and perspectives.

Let’s get you into our network today!

    Main Role


    Industry Experience