CRE Investors

Real Estate Investors
Much like real estate developments often involve a team of people to bring the project from inception to completion, a similar occurrence relates to how projects are funded. Real estate development regularly requires very substantial amounts of capital to be used over an extended period of time which spawns the collaborative efforts of groups who implement the projects and those who help fund them.
We are interested in hearing from and connecting with real estate investors from all areas.
Development requires funding. A lot of good plans never break ground due to funding. Is this your status? Tell us about what you have in the works or coming up, and what it takes to move things forward.
Land Owners
Whether you have owned your parcel for many years, or plans changed after you just recently acquired it, describe for us what you have, where it is, and what the situation is.
Sometimes plans evolve during development, and sometimes even before it starts. Are you an investor who needs to exit? Share an update with us on your status, and if your future includes selling.
Real Estate
Maybe you are holding real estate through some sort of unintentional ownership. Maybe you inherited it, or perhaps it became yours through a failed partnership, and now you’re not sure what to do with it.
Investors & Developers
Projects ignite when fuel is poured on the fire, and that is often accomplished when collaboration takes place. If you are an investor looking for a development company to partner with, or if you are a developer who is exploring options relative to your current position, connect with us to start a conversation.